
22 02, 2022

The Anatomy of the Foot

2022-02-22T16:34:09-05:00February 22nd, 2022|Bone Health, Lifestyle|Comments Off on The Anatomy of the Foot

The human foot needs numerous functions to work effectively and efficiently. The anatomy of the foot can be divided into three main sections that include the forefoot, midfoot and hindfoot. There are joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments throughout these sections. Cary Orthopaedics’ foot and ankle specialists focus not only on treating the symptoms of foot [...]

24 01, 2022

The Importance of Balance as You Age

2025-02-09T17:02:00-05:00January 24th, 2022|Lifestyle, Physical Therapy|Comments Off on The Importance of Balance as You Age

As children, we develop good balance from jumping, walking along walls, spinning and climbing. As adults, we often take balance for granted. But, it’s important to remember that the complex system of balance needs regular attention to function properly and avoid injury.  Here, physical therapist Kevin Raymond, PT, DPT, Cert DN, OCS, provides valuable insight [...]

9 02, 2021

What to Do When You Throw Your Back Out

2022-03-14T19:57:07-05:00February 9th, 2021|Bone Health, Joint Pain, Lifestyle, Spine Orthopaedics|Comments Off on What to Do When You Throw Your Back Out

As a major support structure for your body, your back needs to be in good condition for you to complete most everyday tasks. When you throw your back out, you can suddenly and unexpectedly experience acute pain and find your mobility severely limited. As we age, the cumulative wear and tear on our backs can [...]

19 01, 2021

Are You Suffering From Cold Weather Joint Pain?

2021-02-09T20:00:10-05:00January 19th, 2021|Joint Pain, Lifestyle|Comments Off on Are You Suffering From Cold Weather Joint Pain?

Those who experience chronic joint stiffness and pain often have more severe symptoms as the cold, damp winter blows in. Although the correlation between weather conditions and joint pain is inconclusive, people with osteoarthritis often report worse joint pain in the winter when the weather is cold and rainy. In one survey, 67% of [...]

24 11, 2020

5 Lifestyle Changes for Back Pain Relief

2020-12-22T18:50:12-05:00November 24th, 2020|Lifestyle, Spine Orthopaedics|Comments Off on 5 Lifestyle Changes for Back Pain Relief

Unfortunately, back pain is all too common in today’s world. Our daily lives are structured in a way that can make our back pain worse, like having to sit in front of a computer all day or simply not having the time we need to focus on back pain relief. Back pain is uncomfortable, [...]

9 09, 2020

The Importance of Taking Care of Your Feet

2022-08-26T00:24:07-05:00September 9th, 2020|Joint Pain, Lifestyle, Sports Medicine|Comments Off on The Importance of Taking Care of Your Feet

We are careful to take care of most parts of our bodies, from the essential care of our hearts, muscles and joints to the more superficial hair and nail care. However, many people tend to neglect their feet. This issue can become severe when problems with your feet significantly impact your quality of life, and [...]

18 08, 2020

6 Benefits of Staying Hydrated

2020-08-18T17:38:33-05:00August 18th, 2020|Lifestyle|Comments Off on 6 Benefits of Staying Hydrated

The human body is 75% water. For life on Earth to continue, water is the key. Without water, animals, plants and humans would quickly perish. While people consist mostly of water, they still have to continue drinking it to survive. Drinking water keeps your body hydrated and healthy. In order to maintain daily life functions, [...]

22 07, 2020

You Are Not Your Scan

2020-11-19T17:15:28-05:00July 22nd, 2020|Joint Pain, Lifestyle|Comments Off on You Are Not Your Scan

Cary Orthopaedics physical therapist, Chad Moses, PT, Cert. DN/SMT, GTS, CKTP, Dip. Osteopractic, explains how the amount of pain you have does not always correlate to the amount of damage you may see on an MRI. MRIs, CTs, ultrasounds and X-rays are medical assessment tools that orthopaedists, physical therapists and other health practitioners use to [...]

13 07, 2020

Patient Education Series: Custom Orthotics

2020-07-14T13:51:01-05:00July 13th, 2020|Joint Pain, Lifestyle, Sports Medicine|Comments Off on Patient Education Series: Custom Orthotics

Cary Orthopaedics physical therapist, Chad Moses, PT, Cert. DN/SMT, GTS, CKTP, Dip. Osteopractic, has produced our Patient Education Series to inform patients about various physical therapy techniques. In this episode, physical therapist, Kristen Reinhard, PT, DPT, discusses custom foot orthotics. What are orthotics? Orthotics are inserts that go in your [...]

8 07, 2020

10 Best At-Home Exercises for Arthritis

2020-08-12T20:08:31-05:00July 8th, 2020|Joint Pain, Lifestyle|Comments Off on 10 Best At-Home Exercises for Arthritis

Few medical conditions affect the general population as much as arthritis. In fact, according to statistics reported by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), up to one in four adults in the U.S. face this condition. That is over 54 million Americans.  With the coronavirus pandemic still causing many to stay away from the gym [...]

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