If you spend hours constantly checking your phone or sitting at a desk behind the computer, it’s very likely you have poor posture. The more time you spend slouching your shoulders or drooping your head, the more likely your muscles will lock in this form and use it as your new normal.

Body posture does not only affect your appearance – it can affect your mental state. A professor at San Francisco State University conducted a study that shows poor posture can lead to decreased energy levels and a low mood.

However, his study shows that the link between human emotion and cognition and body posture can be influenced to have a positive effect as well. Reap the benefits by improving your posture through these methods:

  • Exercise – Increase stability with planks, deadlifts and other exercises that focus on holding a rigid position while working the core.
  • Stretch your hips – Hips are also key to good posture. Incorporate a glute bridge into your routine.
  • Take a walk – If you’re sitting at your desk for hours on end, a few hours of exercise can only do so much. Take short breaks during your day to reset your body.

Learn more about the study at Time.com.